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Financial and Identity Problems Can Ruin a Great Trip

How to Minimize International Travel Risks – Part One

Advance Planning and Preparation

International travel is exciting, enlightening, and educational. But it does carry risks of financial and identity predicaments – lost money or lack of access to funds, lost ID or passport, or lost time dealing with the problem.

Our series of three articles for a safer, less stressful trip provides suggestions and recommendations for minimizing monetary and identity risks, as well as some ideas for solving problems.

This article, Part One, includes steps to take while you’re planning your trip. Part Two of this series offers actions to take closer to your departure date and Part Three for tips for staying safe while traveling and steps for solving problems.

Prepare for travel complications, which have been aggravated by the COVID pandemic.

Take these steps well before your departure date:

Apply to be a Trusted Traveler.

The Department of Homeland Security’s Global Entry program can improve the airport experience for pre-approved, low-risk travelers.

Membership includes TSA Pre-Check for expedited airport security on the way out. And it allows expedited clearance for re-entry to the United States. Membership is valid for five years.

Check your passport expiration date.

Avoid the cost and anxiety of obtaining a last-minute expedited passport.

Renew your passport if it will expire within six months of outbound travel. Some countries will not allow entry if your passport expires within six months of your arrival.

Consider purchasing supplemental travel insurance.

Pandemic-era disruptions in the travel industry have increased international travel risks for lost or damaged luggage, flight cancellations and delays, and health emergencies.

You might want travel insurance beyond what your credit card and insurance companies may offer. Learn more in our article Do I Really Need Additional Insurance?

Ensure your credit cards will work.

Contactless payment terminals are more common abroad than in the United States. It’s best to convert older credit cards without chip technology into new ones usable overseas.

Dedicate or obtain a new credit card to use for any travel expenses you can pay online if your physical credit card is lost or stolen. Store the information on a password manager (such as LastPass) and leave the card at home.

If traveling with a family member, make sure your joint credit cards have different card numbers. This way, if one of these cards is lost or stolen, the other person’s card is usable.

Advance preparation can help avoid travel stress and prevent potential issues so you can have a more enjoyable trip. Bon Voyage!

Read Part Two of this series to learn what actions to take closer to your departure date. Part Three of this series offers tips for staying safe and stress-free while on your trip.

If you need help handling financial tasks in preparation for travel, reach out to Eddy & Schein Group. We’ve assisted many clients with personal administration for travel or special projects.

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