tangled string becoming untangled as a result of being financially organized.

Selected Articles for Organizing Personal Finances

Get Financially Organized for the New Year

We are big believers in being financially organized. To get you started in the new year, we’ve assembled a collection of our articles focused on financial organization, where you’ll find real-life examples and smart solutions.

Achieving Financial Organization

many people's hand working with the elements of financial organization

Are you in need of some financial organizing solutions? Read about some client situations that may resonate with you and find some strategies for becoming financially organized:
The Value of Financial Organization

Analyzing Credit Card Spending

Woman looking concerned about what's on her credit card bill.

Do you carefully review your credit card bills? Read about what to look for:
Want or need? What’s on your bill?


Curbing Debt and Related Interest Costs

Woman examining credit card because of rising interest rates

Are you paying close attention to your debt? Learn about managing it as interest rates rise:
Managing Debt with Rising Interest Rates


Preparing for Tax Season

Sign saying "It's Tax Time" to promote being financially organized leading to easier tax preparation.

Does the prospect of getting ready for tax season make you cringe? Find out how being financially organized can make your tax preparation less of a chore:
8 Important Things to Give Your Tax Accountant


Being Mindful about Charitable Donations

Ribbon around stack of cash to represent charitable donations

Does your generosity sometimes get out of hand? Learn how to track your charitable contributions and make informed donation decisions:
Managing Charitable Donations


Eliminating Paper Piles and Clutter

Eddy & Schein Group offers assistance with financial hoarding and being financially organized.

Feeling overwhelmed and disorganized? Learn how to get a handle on your paperwork:
Are You a Financial Hoarder?
Do You Need to Keep Investment Statements?


Locating Unclaimed Funds

HIdden money representing the possibility of having unclaimed funds.

Did you even know “unclaimed funds” is a thing? Read about how to identify, claim, and minimize the risk of unclaimed funds:
Do You Know Where All Your Assets Are?


Titling Bank Accounts

Bank account documents to represent the importance of properly titling back accounts.

Did you know that simplifying and properly titling your accounts is key to being financially organized? Learn why your bank account details matter:
How Many Bank Accounts Are Too Many?


Understanding Investment-related Issues
Eddy & Schein Group millennial investing in stock market using ipad.

Do you feel comfortable about investing? Find out what you need to know:
Investing in the Stock Market
Understanding Investment and Tax Documents


Handing Over Your Financial Affairs to a Trusted Proxy

Understanding the necessity of being financially organized by having personal finances go-bag so you can be prepared to hand off your finances to a proxy.

Are you financially organized enough for a trusted proxy to step in if you’re incapacitated? Learn how how to be prepared so someone else can handle your finances:
Personal Finance Preparedness for Uncertain Times – Part One
Personal Finance Preparedness for Uncertain Times – Part Two
You Need a “Personal Finances Go Bag!”


Pre-Arranging Your Funeral

Eddy & Schein can help you navigate complex life transitions and pre-plan your funeral.

Do you know that Pre-Need Agreements can ease the burden on family members when you die? Learn what you need to know about arranging and financing your funeral in advance:
Should I Pre-Plan My Funeral?


Nothing can be taken for granted. Start the new year feeling better prepared for unforeseen issues… Get financially organized!

Better Organized = Better Prepared. If you don’t know where to begin, need someone to keep you on task, or are looking for someone with experience in financial organizing, reach out to us at Eddy & Schein Group. We’re here to help.

Eddy & Schein Group helps:

Tell us what you need.

Call for a free phone consultation.

Serving the Tri-State Area

Eddy & Schein Group helps:

Seniors and their Families
People Facing Life Transitions
High-Net-Worth Individuals
Young Adults and Families
Legal & Tax Professionals
and their Clients
Tell us what you need.
Call for a free phone consultation.

Serving the Tri-State Area

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